Welcome to Kismetation


Destination to yourself
Institute for Intuitive Living

Would you like to have skills that actually help you in your life to guide you?

Self Empowered and being in charge and shape your life the way you would like

Life skills/tools to become integrated and have fun in life in all aspects of it.

Become hooked unto yourself  

Start the Journey within





There’s a reason most monks like to stay on the mountain…


It’s stress-free and no challenges


Without challenges there is no Growth

At Kismetation

you learn to be empowered

and feel prepared for those stressors

bound to happen in the world.

Having more confidence and fun

Create a life you love

In short, you can quit surviving & start thriving!

Life is a fun, creative, exciting adventure.

The Institute was created to have a safe playground for you to discover your own intuitive and psychic abilities to empower you to create your own relationship to the world on your terms.

The Beginning Classes will guide you to recognize and playfully explore your Spiritual Anatomy to create with and through your body.

Playfully discovering what is really you and what is not and then making separations from energies that are not you brings you to a more fulfilled and meaningful life as well as relationships with others.

Discerning what is you and releasing that which is not, brings clarity and excitement for new steps.

And it is very Healing!

Amazing Side effects are being confident in who you are and having fun while you are living and shaping your fullfilled life.

The goal is you are the affect not the effect of your life, which allows you to enjoy the journey through life.

In other words:

you are creating your life and can make changes with fun and ease.

This means that there will not be a victim stance,

rather an EMPOWERMENT of self.

Therefore seeing and knowing possibilities and implementing them in your life.

It is not that something is happening to you

rather it is happening because of you :)


Don’t dream your lifelive your Dream!



We will guide you to your own Healing Waters – But, drink you must, yourself.





“I am more centered, happier and having fun” Christine Mele


“Learning new tools to calm me down, everything is going smoother” Kelli M

"These classes changed my life, I feel free now" R.D.

“Learning how to realign my energy to heal myself enriched my live in incredible ways” M.H.

“I’ve tried many different meditation techniques but this is by far the easiest, most effective and most fun!” Amy Smyth

“Finally I found something that actually works for me to feel calm and safe” R.W.

“I can handle difficult situations with ease” R.G.


“Having more energy then I ever thought I could have” K.B.


“Awareness of how reactionary I was and being able to change that” Amalia


I have learning how to manage my own energy and create powerful energetic boundaries and peaceful techniques that change the quality of my day and expand my ability to create desirable experiences in my life. Plus the setting is hip and cool and modern, so it’s refreshing to be there. Kismet radiates fun, love, and joy! You will be so happy to learn from this magical being.
— Stephanie S. Teacher



Meditation with Kismet has been a transformative experience in my life. I always felt drawn to meditation, somatic practices, and healing and have spent the last 12 years searching and seeking in this area. The tools that Kismet has taught me have become daily practices. Cultivating more neutral space to explore my creativity, my relationships and my career have helped me make more clear and grounded decisions. And more than tools, Kismet has provided me with an experience of healing that many years of therapy and healing work did not. She made me feel like the best version of me is possible and supports me in striving towards that. I am less stressed, more connected to myself and others, and a more well rounded human as a result of engaging with Kismet in meditation and healing practices.
Jami Winkel LMFT



My experience into self discovery with Kismet has been nothing less than magical! Her gift and masterful technique skillfully guided me with much ease into the healing I needed. The transformation is considerable on a physical, emotional and energetic level. I am so ever grateful to have found such an uplifting and dedicated teacher. Who would have thought the journey into self love and empowerment could be this enjoyable? To many more fun and enlightening sessions!
Dassine Hammoudi


I’ve learnt so much from doing the mediation course. I’ve tried many different mediation techniques but Kismetation is by far the easiest, most effective and most fun! I’ve also had some big personal breakthroughs during my one to one sessions. And it is all done with some much love and humour. Can’t recommended enough. It is magic.



It is not about me it is about you

Drop in and Recalibrate.

And learn the tools to unlocking a natural healing process in your Mind & Body & Spirit

Many people ask so since you asked ….her are some snippets about me

Kismetation = Destination to yourself


“Kismet” means destiny, fate, fortune & the will of the Divine.

So, here you’ll find the tools to create and live your own Destiny, your own Divine.

The tools to create your Kismet. Woohoo!

I was always aware of energy, seeing it, hearing it, feeling it and tasting it. I was one of those kids that some people thought of as either odd or angelic. Adults loved to sit next to me and they would just pour their heart out, telling me what was going on with them, problems or difficulties they faced and they always felt better afterwards.

In other words, I can “SEE” people.

I learned however fairly quick to hide a lot of these attributes due to some people not taking so kindly to the likes of a seer or dare I say “Psychic” (giggle) – not understanding or being afraid of the unseen.

Because of this, I hid my ability.

I had a lot of different successful careers in my live and never thought

I would actually use my “psychichness” and ability to heal as a career.

For fun, I went to Massage School.

I love learning and having fun exploring new things, at the time I was a professional sculptor and painter and I was the Director of Accounting at a very successful Web Development Company.

I had negotiated a three day work week for me and the rest of the time, I painted and sculpted and tended to my artist career.

Back to Massage School

I always loved touching people and I have the ability of Psychometry,

which means to touch and know the history of an object or live body.

I picked a school which encompasses Body, Mind East meets West, medical meets alternative.

I took to it like “Fish to Water” I was in my element I had so much fun. Learning and understanding muscles and organs

So different then from a painters perspective

When I would work on people magical things would happen,

emotions would start to flow, I could see the disruptions in people and the discourse and timelines and blockages.

I was hooked and I wanted more.

Still not thinking this is my career… (funny right) So I took more and more training, classes workshops. I started to work as a volunteer to practice what I had learned and to come to my own conclusions.

Then I took a little side job as a Massage Therapist which was fun and kept on learning.

Finally, I made the switch and quit everything else and fully started my Healing Arts Career. I became a Trauma Resolution Therapist, Cranial Sacral Therapist as well as an Ayurvedic Practitioner and the list goes on and on.

I Managed an amazing Health and Wellness Spa and had a flourishing career as a Bodyworker Therapist.

I also worked on animals in Africa on Elephants and Rhinos, Boars in New Zealand and here with Cats and dogs and horses.

Still, something was missing…

I then was introduced to a psychic school which teaches you about energy your own and others and how to know the difference and how to make separation and how to heal yourself and say “Hello” a Spiritual Hello, which is one of the most powerful ways of inducing Healing.

Heal the Sprit and the Sprits heals the Body

A little side note psychic just means “of the soul” and everybody has one, and also the ability to sense.

For me, it was the holy grail that I had been missing. Everything started to click. My work skyrocketed to a level where I could actually really assist people in their healing journey to help people activate their own innate healing vibration and have a true understanding of Body, Mind, Spirit integration and the Healing journey as well as Healing itself.

I can bring you to your healing waters but drink you must yourself.

Today I have my own Health and Wellness Clinic and a School for Intuitive Living, where I teach tools that you immediately can integrate into your life.

Everybody is a psychic.

You can learn what to do with it, protect yourself, and have fun with it.

Plus you can heal yourself while having fun.

I teach with a lot of amusement since it is one of the highest vibrations as well as a playful “Kindergarten” environment, when it is fun and light you learn much easier and can access your information and grow.

At the clinic I work with people from all walks of life as well as all kinds of ailments or support with staying healthy.


If it is of Physical nature like bodily injuries, or emotional, trauma or otherwise. I prepare people for surgery and can work post op as well.

I work with the physical aspect, which is a depiction of your

energetic make up in denser form and

bioenergetic medicine as well as the conscious technology of energy medicine.

I love what I do

If you would like to see what we do come to a Healing Festival or

Healing Extravaganza and

you can just come to one of the reading days

and get an Aura and Chakra Healing, they are free or even try out a Reading for yourself.

There are many options for you ……..


Newsletter Subscription

Stay in the know of classes and workshops upcoming events etc.

Contact US


If you have any questions regarding classes or participation
you can contact us via phone or text or email
and we will get back to you within 24 - 48 hours.

If you are interested in the Clinic
you can check out the Webpage www.KismetSalem.com
and check out our other Services

Contact Information

Email us at:  


Call us: 310 383 7670

Institute for Intuitive Living
812 1/2 Lincoln Blvd
Venice, CA 90291


© 2024 Kismetation

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